13 questions to ask your couple before you get married!
When it comes to marriage, what you don’t know can hurt you.
Whether it’s embarrassment, lack of interest, or a desire to preserve the mystery of romance, couples don’t ask themselves some tough questions that, according to relationship experts, can help build the foundation for a stable marriage.
In addition to looking for someone with whom they want to have children and build a safe life, those who think of marriage now hope that their partners will also be their best friends and confidants. It can be difficult to live up to such expectations, which are partly Hollywood’s fault.
Sure, there are many questions couples can ask themselves at the start of a relationship to make sure they are for each other, but let’s be honest: most don’t.
“If you don’t deal with a problem before marriage, it will touch you when you’re married,” said Robert Scuka, the executive director of the National Institute of Relationship Enhancement. It can be difficult to keep secrets decade after decade, and reserving certain information before the wedding can lead to disappointment later.
The intimate and sometimes awkward questions below are designed to start honest conversations and possibly give couples a chance to reveal their secrets before it’s too late.
1. Did your family throw dishes, discuss problems calmly, or get stuck when disagreements arose?
The success of a relationship is based on how differences are resolved, said Peter Pearson, founder of the Couples Institute. Since we are all shaped by the dynamics of our family, he said, the answer to this question will help them understand whether or not their partner will end up mimicking the conflict resolution patterns they learned from their parents.
El éxito de una relación está basado en cómo se resuelven las diferencias, dijo Peter Pearson, fundador del Couples Institute. Ya que todos estamos moldeados a partir de la dinámica de nuestra familia, dijo, la respuesta a esta pregunta les ayudará a entender si su pareja terminará imitando los patrones de resolución de conflictos que aprendió de sus padres o los evitará.
2. Will we have children? And if we do, will you change diapers?
With the kids issue, it’s important that you don’t just say what you think your partner wants to hear, says Debbie Martinez, a divorce and relationship therapist. Before getting married, couples should honestly discuss whether they want to have children. How many want At what point do you want to have them? And how do you imagine your roles as parents will be? Talking about birth control before planning a pregnancy is also important, according to Marty Klain, a sex and marriage therapist.
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